Thursday, May 12, 2016

sacramento, hanover, seattle, nashville, evanston, new york, muir woods, and saint louis



Image result for maggie hassan
sacramento, hanover, seattle, nashville, evanston,
new york, muir woods, tulsa,  and saint louis

newport sits quiet,
because she thinks of Dartmouth and Paul Sunde of smart guy

sacramento and seattle sit wise
due to their distant beauty and kind words

Hanover and Hanlon have been close relative terms
when we connect Maggie, Phil, Paul, Mitt, Barack, Jerry, Sundar, William, Harry, Elizabeth

Evanston and Nashville, both remain watchful about new yorker and yankees,
I do enjoy touring Muir Woods, Saint Louis Arch, Johnny Cash music, and Bruce Barry troops

Hassan,  Sunde, Hanlon, Cao, Chen, Tien, Zhu, Wilson, Yin, Yan, Cai, Xi, Xie, Zhao, Yu,
Wu, Lu, Li, He, Zhang, Huang, Zhou, Meng, Tu, Wang, Peng, Kong, Xu, Lang, Yao, Tang,

the waves between Pacific and Arctic ocean bay balance,
we sail left, right, and up and down, over or cross

how wonderful to see Florida keys in random dots,
how beautiful to watch sunset near Cambridge and hop from Boston to Houston

a pale smile,
a pace university and john hopkins note do work wonders

University of southern California stays strong,
Dartmouth college, Washington university at Saint Louis, and University of Illinois are friendly

we will and we can, thanks to Northwestern University, Vanderbilt University,
Cornell University,  Texas Christian University, University of California at Berkeley, or UT at Austin

Dartmouth, Hanover, Anjali Pichai, Gloria Page, Nicholas Dirks, and Sundar Pichai,
Mountain View, Morty Schapiro, Julio Ottino, Stacy Sullivan, Carl Victor Page

Image result for maggie hassan 

 Image result for dartmouth middle school